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Great Lakes Student Scientists Recognized

June 15, 2015

Contacts: Doug Kane, IAGLR Past-President, [email protected]; Val Klump, Awards Committee Chair, [email protected]

Ann Arbor, Mich. — The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) recently honored student scientists for their contributions to IAGLR and Great Lakes science. The following awards were given at the association’s 58th annual Conference on Great Lakes Research.

IAGLR Scholarships

The 2015 winners are Michael Mullowney (University of Illinois at Chicago) for his research on “Antibiotics from Great Lakes-derived actinomycete bacteria that inhibit drug-resistant M. tuberculosis” and Megan Niner (University of Toledo) for her research on “Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Occurrence and Evolution in the Laurentian Great Lakes.” The IAGLR Scholarship, valued at $2,000, is awarded annually to promising Ph.D. students whose dissertation research is likely to make a significant contribution to the understanding of large lakes.

David M. Dolan Memorial Scholarship

The recipient of the inaugural award is Mark Dufour (University of Toledo), for his research on “Hydroacoustic quantification of distribution and abundance of Lake Erie walleye (Sander vitreus): from measurement to prediction.” The David M. Dolan Memorial Scholarship, valued at $3,000, is awarded for the pursuit of graduate research in Applied Mathematics for the advancement of a quantitative understanding and management of the Great Lakes ecosystem. In announcing the award, Dr. Val Klump stated that the IAGLR Board of Directors voted to match existing funds as well as up to $20,000 in new donations to the Dolan scholarship fund.

Norman S. Baldwin Scholarships

The 2015 winner is Heather Siersma (Wayne State University) for her research on "The capacity of Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron sediments to support the nymphal development of Hexagenia spp.”  The Norman S. Baldwin Fishery Science Scholarship, valued at $6,000, is awarded annually to a deserving graduate student conducting research pertaining to Great Lakes fisheries. The scholarship is sponsored by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission, IAGLR's oldest sustaining member, and honors the first executive secretary of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

Paul W. Rodgers Scholarships

The 2015 recipients are Matthew Snyder, University of Toledo, for his research on “Genetic structure of invasive round gobies and developing new techniques to facilitate early detection at the species level” and Christopher Groff, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, for his research on "Benthic habitat analysis and potential for re-colonization by Hexagenia mayflies in Green Bay, Lake Michigan.” The scholarship, valued at $2,000, was established in memory of Paul W. Rodgers, who was vice president of Limno-Tech, a Great Lakes researcher and active supporter of IAGLR. It is given to a student to support the advancement of knowledge relating to Great Lakes aquatic ecosystem health and management.

IAGLR-Hydrolab Best Student Paper Award

Winners of the award were Joseph Fillingham (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) for his presentation on “Modeling Carbon and Phosphorus cycles in the Nearshore Zone of Lake Michigan” and first runner up Cassandra May (Ohio State University) for her presentation on “Larval Walleye Recruitment and Zooplankton Availability: Testing the Match-Mismatch Hypothesis in Lake Erie.” This award, valued at $500, recognizes the best student presentations from the previous year's conference; in this case, the 2014 conference at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

IAGLR-Hydrolab Best Student Poster Award

Winners of the award were Meghan Donovan (University of Windsor) for her poster titled  “Variation in the call Structure of Male Round Goby (Neogobius melanostromus) and Relationship to Body Morphometrics as a Potential Honest Signal”  and first runner up Paul Glyshaw (University of Michigan) for his poster on “Temporal Trends in Nutritional State and Reproduction of Dreissenarostiformis bugenis in Southern Lake Michigan.” This award, valued at $500, recognizes the best student posters from the previous year's conference; in this case, the 2014 conference at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.

International Travel Award

This year's recipient was Juliana Pomari , State University of Sao Paulo/ Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), who presented her poster on "Aninter-decade limnological study on Jurumirim reservoir - a subtropical spatially complex system." The award provides travel funds for a graduate student or post-doctoral fellow from countries outside of North America to attend the conference. This award seeks to broaden IAGLR's scope beyond the Great Lakes of North America, fostering connections between an extended network of students and researchers.

JGLR/Elsevier Student Award

The 2015 winner is Marieke Frassl, University of Konstanz, Limnological Institute, for her article "Algal internal nutrient stores feedback on vertical phosphorus distribution in large lakes," JGLR 40(Supp. 3): 162-172. This award, valued at $750, recognizes a student who is first author on a top-ranked article in the Journal of Great Lakes Research. Co-authors include Karl-Otto Rothhaupt and  Karsten Rinke.