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Severn Sound Area of Concern

Severn Sound is one of only seven AOCs yet to be delisted since 1985. Effective collaboration and cooperation among all stakeholders were essential to achieve delisting. Economic benefits assessments played a key role in making the case for implementing remedial actions, documenting return on investment, and securing commitments from responsible organizations for implementation.


Please feel free to use the following photos in any publicity about this story. Please credit the source indicated.

Natural shoreline of Severn Sound. Credit: Severn Sound Environmental Association.

Tree planting as part of habitat restoration, 2016. Credit: Severn Sound Environmental Association.

Trumpeter swans on Hogg Bay of Severn Sound, Ontario. Credit: Severn Sound Environmental Association.

Penetang Bay, Severn Sound, Ontario. Credit: Severn Sound Environmental Association.


Dr. John Hartig
Great Lakes Science-Policy Advisor
[email protected] | Bio