02b. - Status and Management of Invasive Carps in the Great Lakes

Date: Friday, Jun 22, 2018
Time: 8:40 AM - 3:40 PM
Location: MW170

Chair(s): Becky Cudmore, Nicole King, Patrick Kocovsky, Christine Mayer

Using adaptive management to combat Lake Erie grass carp
Mark DuFour, Michigan State University, Quantitative Fisheries Center; Kelly Robinson, Michigan State University; Seth Herbst, Michigan DNR-Fisheries; Tammy Newcomb, Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Michael Jones, Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife, Michigan State University

What�s in a Name? The Case for Discontinuing the Term "Asian Carp"
Song Qian, University of Toledo; Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey; Duane Chapman, USGS

Investigating the role of individual variation in the responses of invasive fish to aversive stimuli
Paul Bzonek, University of Toronto Scarborough; Nicholas Mandrak, Biological Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough

Status of the Major Aquaculture Carps of China in the Great Lakes Basin
Duane Chapman, USGS; Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey; Holly Embke, University of Toledo; Nicole King, University of Toledo, Lake Erie Center; Becky Cudmore, Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Lake Erie Grass Carp Movement and Tributary Use
Cleyo Harris, Michigan Department of Natural Resources; Travis Brenden, Michigan State University; Seth Herbst, Michigan DNR-Fisheries; Christopher Vandergoot, USGS - Great Lakes Science Center; Matthew Faust; Charles Krueger, CSIS, Michigan State University

Grass Carp Spawning in Lake Erie Tributaries: When and Where?
Christine Mayer, University of Toledo, Lake Erie Center; Nicole King, University of Toledo, Lake Erie Center; Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey; Song Qian, University of Toledo

Using a hydrodynamic model to predict Asian carp spawning success
Tej Heer, University of Toronto; Nicholas Mandrak, Biological Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough; Mathew Wells, University of Toronto Scarborough

eDNA Surveillance for Invasive Carps in the Great Lakes � An Overview of Bi-national Efforts
Emy Monroe, Midwest Fisheries Center, USFWS; Emily Slavik, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry; Kelly Baerwaldt, US Fish and Wildlife Service

Surviving the Aquatic Invasive Species Onslaught: Quantifying Threats to Qu�bec�s Aquatic Ecosystems
Frederic Lecomte, Minist�re des For�ts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Qu�bec; Guillaume C�t�, Minist�re des For�ts, Faune et Parcs; Annick Drouin, Minist�re des For�ts, de la Faune et des Parcs; Olivier Morissette, Minist�re des For�ts, de la Faune et des Parcs; R�my Pouliot, Minist�re des For�ts, de la Faune et des Parcs

A population genomics test of Niagara Falls� effectiveness as a barrier to fish dispersal
Nathan Lujan, University of Toronto Scarborough; Jason Weir, University of Toronto Scarborough; Brice Noonan, University of Mississippi, Department of Biology; Nathan Lovejoy, University of Toronto Scarborough; Nicholas Mandrak, Biological Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough

Asian Carp Early Detection Surveillance in the Canadian Waters of the Great Lakes
David Marson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Julia Colm, Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Becky Cudmore, Fisheries & Oceans Canada

Multi-jurisdictional Response to Grass Carp in Lake Erie
Seth Herbst, Michigan DNR-Fisheries; John Navarro, Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Diploid Grass Carp in the Great Lakes: Tracking Origins through Otolith Chemistry
Jeffrey Miner, Bowling Green State Univ., Dept. Biological Sciences; John Farver, Bowling Green State University; Kevin Pangle, Central Michigan University ; Greg Whitledge, Southern Illinois University; Duane Chapman, USGS; Patrick Kocovsky, U.S. Geological Survey; Seth Herbst, Michigan DNR-Fisheries

Predicting Potential Food Web Impacts of a Black Carp Invasion in the Great Lakes
Monir Hossain, Fisheries and Oceans Canada; Marten Koops, Fisheries & Oceans Canada