Asian Carp Early Detection Surveillance in the Canadian Waters of the Great Lakes

Session: 02b. - Status and Management of Invasive Carps in the Great Lakes

David Marson, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, [email protected]
Julia Colm, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, [email protected]
Becky Cudmore, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, [email protected]


Fisheries and Oceans Canada's Asian Carp Program was created in response to the threat of invasion by Asian carps into Canadian waters of the Great Lakes. To address this threat, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) has developed an early detection surveillance program. Early detection sampling techniques for Asian carps combine a variety of traditional sampling gears to target all life stages in suitable habitats. In the five year span that the Asian Carp Program has had field operations, they have captured 15 of 23 Grass Carp taken from Canadian waters of the Great Lakes basin.  Certain gear types have been most successful in capturing Grass Carp, specifically the combination of trammel nets as block nets with boat electrofishing to push fish. This presentation will highlight the steps taken in the selection of early detection locations, as well as the sampling gears and techniques used to target Asian carps in Canada.

1. Keyword
invasive species

2. Keyword
Great Lakes basin

3. Keyword

4. Additional Keyword
Asian carps

5. Additional Keyword
Early Detection Surveillance