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Vice President

Donna Kashian

Much of my work over the last 20 years has focused on water quality issues of the Great Lakes. Specifically, the role of disturbance, including invasive species and contaminants, on aquatic communities.  I am a strong proponent of multidisciplinary collaborations incorporating science, policy, sociology, and industry professionals in addressing complex environmental issues. The IAGLRs membership is unique among other conferences I attend, as it engages many of these groups creating a well-rounded venue for members to grow beyond their "wheel-house." I feel IAGLR provides a wealth of opportunities for student to get exposure to research, management and policy beyond which they might get with other organizations.  Because of this for years, I have encouraged my students to present, publish and take leadership roles in IAGLR.

I am currently faculty in the Department of Biology and director of the Environmental Science program at Wayne State University. In addition, I hold a visiting scientist position with NOAA’s Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory. Service has always been something that I highly value (e.g., chair on the Conservation and Environmental Issues committee - Society of Fresh Water Science, proposal reviewer for NSF, EPA, NIH, and Sea Grant [WI, IL-IN, and MI]; technical expert for the Lake Erie Working Group [International Joint Commission]).  My service to IAGLR includes symposia organizer, manuscript reviewer, guest editor, 2017 annual meeting co-host and program chair.

Initiatives I would like to propose to the IAGLR board include some diversity initiatives such as designating a diversity committee and developing a mentoring program for undergraduate students from under-represented groups interested in Great Lakes science. Such a group could provide opportunities for networking among graduate students, faculty, and professionals hoping to encourage greater diversity in Great Lakes research.