The pulse of Lake Ontario: Evolution of an Ecosystem Approach

Ora Johannsson

University of British Columbia / Fisheries and Oceans Canada (retired)

Tuesday, March 9
12:40–1:30 p.m.

Ora Johannsson is an aquatic ecologist who over her career has studied questions regarding species distribution, co-existence, ecosystem structure and productivity, and invasive species impacts. She completed degrees at the University of British Columbia and University of East Anglia (England) before starting a career as a Research Scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada in Burlington, Ontario. There she ran a large, long-term program on Lake Ontario assessing the response of the lake to changes in nutrient loading and fisheries impacts, and programs on Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, and in the Muskokas investigating the responses of the ecosystems to the invasion of dreissenid mussels, Bythotrephes and Cercopagis. Mysis diluviana was at the heart of many of her studies, given its importance in large-lake systems. She noted that her studies gave her the pleasure of working with many exciting scientists both in-house and around the lakes. While with DFO, she was also involved with developing Remedial Action Plans and Beneficial Use Assessments for several Areas of Concern under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, and the Lakewide Management Plans for Lake Erie. One of her favorite assignments was as a member of the Board of Technical Experts of the Great Lakes Fishery Commission. Since retiring, Johnannsson has enjoyed scientific studies in Kenya on airbreathing fish and in Brazil on the role of photo-oxidation of dissolved organic carbon in carbon cycling. She is now an adjunct professor in zoology at the University of British Columbia.

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