Great Lakes Science Leaders Honored

June 11, 2020

ANN ARBOR, MI — The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) honored several professionals and organizations this week for their contributions to IAGLR and large lakes science. The following awards were presented at the association’s 63rd Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research held online for the first time in the association’s history.

The Lifetime Achievement Award for important and continued contributions to Great Lakes research was awarded to Jan Ciborowski, professor emeritus at the University of Windsor, where he has worked on the Great Lakes since 1984. Ciborowski has been a critical player in numerous collaborative efforts, and is noted for his commitment to applied science, the ecosystem approach, and collaboration. “Jan is a person who truly understands honor and integrity, and a person who would never seek this award for himself,” notes Jeffrey Reutter, retired director of Ohio Sea Grant and Stone Lab, who co-founded the Lake Erie Millennium Network in 1998 with Ciborowski. “Yet, I can truly think of no person more deserving of this award.”

The Anderson-Everett Award was presented to the International Joint Commission's Great Lakes Regional Office in recognition of its long-time support for annual meetings of the association. Much of the research conducted by IAGLR members and constituencies is driven in by the need for Canada and the United States to meet their commitments to the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, which first came into being in 1972. Through its support, the IJC-GLRO has been an active partner in helping IAGLR to advance fundamental and applied research. The Anderson-Everett Award recognizes important and continued contributions to the association over a period of years and honors the efforts of David Anderson and Margaret Everett for their significant early contributions to the association and the Great Lakes.

The Elsevier Early Career Scientist Award went to Dulcinea Avouris, Kent State, for the article “Validation of 2015 Lake Erie MODIS image spectral decomposition using visible derivative spectroscopy and field campaign data,” Journal of Great Lakes Research 44 (3): 466-479. Co-authored by Joseph Ortiz.

IAGLR Certificates of Appreciation
The following people received certificates of appreciation for their service to the association:

  • The JGLR Outgoing Associate Editor's Appreciation Award went to Bill Taylor, University of Waterloo, Jiyoung Li, The Ohio State University, and Stephen Charles Riley, United States Geological Survey
  • The IAGLR Board of Directors Appreciation Award went to Francine McCarthy, Brock University, Rebecca Rooney, University of Waterloo, Owen Stefaniak, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Michael Twiss, Clarkson University. They have faithfully served on the IAGLR board and completed their terms of service.
  • The IAGLR Committee Chair Appreciation Award went to Susan Daniel, SUNY Buffalo State Great Lakes Center, outgoing Awards Committee co-chair; Francine McCarthy, Brock University, outgoing Conference Committee co-chair; Rebecca Rooney, University of Waterloo, and Owen Stefaniak, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, outgoing Membership Committee co-chairs; and Michael Twiss, outgoing Nominations Committee chair.
  • The IAGLR Conference Appreciation Award went to IAGLR 2020 Conference Site Chair Matthew McCandless and IAGLR 2020 Program Chair Scott Higgins, IISD Experimental Lakes Area, and Ed Verhamme, Limnotech, for his invaluable service in implementing IAGLR 2020 Virtual.

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