Connecting Management Needs and Science Information (2)

Date: Tuesday, Jun 11, 2019
Time: 3:40 PM - 5:40 PM
Location: Seymour Union, Room 114

Chair(s): Mary Anne Evans, Josh Miller, Jeffrey Schaeffer, Emily Wimmer

Assessing benthic recovery in the Torch Lake AOC
Anya Leach, MTU Civil and Environmental Dept.; Cory McDonald, Michigan Tech. Univ., Dept. of Civil & Env. Eng.

Implementing an adaptive management strategy for Phragmites management in the Great Lakes basin
Samantha Stanton, Great Lakes Commission; Kurt Kowalski, U.S. Geological Survey; Christine Dumoulin, University of Georgia ; Dan Engel, U.S. Geological Survey (Contractor); Erika Jensen, Great Lakes Commission; Elaine Ferrier; Jeffrey Schaeffer, USGS Great Lakes Science Center

It feeds us, it quenches our thirst, yet it’s under threat: A report card for western Lake Erie
Alexandra Fries, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Brianne Walsh, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Andrew Elmore, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; William Dennison, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Cladophora ecology in changing ecosystems: an assessment guided by management information needs
Emily Wimmer, USGS - Great Lakes Science Center; Mary Anne Evans, USGS, Great Lakes Science Center; Meredith Nevers, U.S. Geological Survey - Great Lakes Science Center

Exploratory Analysis of the Cloadophora Dreissenid Relationship
Seth Benson, US Geological Survey; Danielle Sopovski, US Geological Survey; Kasia Przybyla-Kell, U.S. Geological Survey; Dawn Shively, USGS-Lake Michigan Ecological Research Station; Mary Anne Evans, USGS, Great Lakes Science Center; Meredith Nevers, U.S. Geological Survey - Great Lakes Science Center