Using the GLWQA LAMP to develop binational habitat priorities for science and action in Lake Erie

Session: Great Lakes Fish Habitat Priorities Development, Implementation, and Adaptive Management (2)

Elizabeth Hinchey Malloy, U.S. EPA GLNPO, [email protected]
Luca Cargnelli, Environment and Climate Change Canada, [email protected]
Jeff Tyson, Great Lakes Fishery Commission, [email protected]


The Lake Erie Lakewide Action and Management Plan (LAMP) is a binational, five-year ecosystem-based strategy for restoring and protecting the water quality of Lake Erie and the St. Clair-Detroit River System. The LAMP is developed and implemented by the Lake Erie Partnership, comprised of Federal, State, County, Provincial, and First Nation natural resource and environmental protection agencies.  The Lake Erie Partnership facilitates information sharing, sets priorities, and assists in coordinating binational environmental protection and restoration activities. The Lake Erie LAMP fulfills a United States and Canadian commitment under the 2012 Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement to assess ecosystem conditions, identify environmental threats and appropriate actions to address these threats, and set priorities for research and monitoring. Using the theme of fish habitat restoration/native species protection as an example, we will present an overview of how Lake Erie Partnership/LAMP processes determine science and monitoring priorities, identify actions to incorporate into the LAMP, and help projects transition from priorities to implementation.