IJC Town Hall Session 6: Can We Achieve Phosphorus Reduction Targets through Domestic Action Plans?

Session: IJC Town Hall: Provide Your Valuable Perspective on Progress to Restore and Protect the Great Lakes (2)

Rajesh Bejankiwar, International Joint Commission, [email protected]


One of the key objectives listed in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement is for phosphorous concentrations in the open waters and nearshore areas of each lake. In order to achieve these objectives for phosphorus concentrations, Annex 4 mandates that Canada and the United States develop phosphorus loading targets and allocations for each Great Lake. In 2016, the two countries developed a 40 percent phosphorus reduction target as well as Domestic Actions Plans for the western and central basins of Lake Erie. This session will present and discuss progress made by the US and Canadian federal, provincial and state governments to develop and implement Domestic Action Plans in order to meet loading targets and phosphorus concentrations for Lake Erie. Join this discussion to assist in generating a list of priority science questions, data and knowledge gaps, and practical solutions to achieve the Agreement’s phosphorus loading targets.