Lake Superior Youth Symposium 1995-2019: Inspiring Stewardship

Session: Great Lakes Outreach and Education (1)

Joan Chadde, Center for Science & Environmental Outreach, Michigan Technological University, [email protected]
Amy Kireta, University of Minnesota Duuth, [email protected]


The Lake Superior Youth Symposium (LSYS) is a biannual, 3-day, interdisciplinary experience for 8th-12th grade students and teachers. The 2019 Symposium brought together ~300 middle and high school participants from communities throughout the Lake Superior watershed to the University of Minnesota Duluth from May 16-19. The Symposium’s mission is to broaden and deepen student understanding of the science, history, art, culture, and challenges of protecting one of the greatest bodies of water on the planet. The 2019 theme, "We are Lake Superior,” explored the personal and community meanings of the Big Lake, while educating, inspiring, and motivating. Students learned about Lake Superior through interactive workshops, outdoor explorations, and hands-on investigations led by experts and role models. The Symposium provided opportunities for participants to gain skills, explore potential career paths, and encourage youth to become the leaders and voices that will maintain and promote a healthy Lake Superior. The Symposium is a unique opportunity for educators, scientists, policy makers, advocates, and other experts to connect with future Great Lake decision makers-- sharing expertise, experiences, and new perspectives. A brief overview of the Symposium’s history (beginning in 1995), the planning process, participant outcomes, 2019 successes, and plans for future symposia will be shared.