New steps in sharing Great Lakes remote sensing products

Session: Remote Sensing, Visualization, and Spatial Data Applications for the Great Lakes (2)

Michael Billmire, Michigan Tech Research Institute, [email protected]
Mike Sayers, Michigan Tech. Research Inst., [email protected]
Robert Shuchman, Michigan Technological University, [email protected]
Colin Brooks, Michigan Tech Research Institute, [email protected]
Karl Bosse, Michigan Tech Research Inst., [email protected]
Philip Chu, NOAA/GLERL, [email protected]
George Leshkevich, Great Lakes Env. Research Lab, NOAA, [email protected]


A Michigan Tech Research Institute (MTRI) team has been working closely with NOAA GLERL to develop new Great Lakes remote sensing products and effective ways to make data available for use on a practical basis. Through partnerships, MTRI has developed a wide variety of remote sensing products, including photic zone depth, Kd490, KDpar, chlorophyll, suspended minerals, color dissolved organic matter, dissolved organic carbon, and harmful algal bloom types. New time-averaged products that take advantage of combining multiple days of satellite data are being created as the next research direction. The MTRI color producing agent (CPA)-related products are now available for download as HDF files for analysis and PNG files for viewing through the Great Lakes node of NOAA Coastwatch. The CPA algorithms are being run by NOAA on almost every daily VIIRS satellite scene. For visualization, MTRI continues to make them available for user-friendly viewing through its site, and has developed methods to share data through web services. These sites provide practical examples of enabling improved data sharing of Great Lakes scientific data for monitoring, research, and decision support.