Creating Nesting Habitat for Common Tern, a Threatened Bird Species of the Great Lakes

Session: Imperiled Species in the Great Lakes Basin: Identifying Threats and Restoring Populations (3)

Erin Redding, Gomez and Sullivan Engineers, [email protected]


Common Terns are native birds in Great Lakes Basin and a valuable component of the Niagara River Important Bird Area. Due in large part to a lack of suitable nesting habitat, their numbers have declined across the Great Lakes and they are now considered Threated in New York State. The Buffalo Audubon Society is working with NYSDEC, Gomez and Sullivan Engineers, and LDC Construction to build ideal Common Tern nesting habitat at a man-made island in the upper Niagara River near Buffalo, NY. The Niagara River is a dynamic setting; designing and construction a sustainable island there is complex. The project team has considered lessons-learned from restoration projects implemented in the Niagara and St. Lawrence Rivers and is proposing creative solutions for construction and maintenance challenges. Following construction, the Buffalo Audubon Society plans to employ local students to monitor the success of breeding Common Terns on the island. Long-term management will be based on understanding of Common Tern ecology and behavior.