Gathering stakeholder perceptions of aquatic invasive species in the Great Lakes basin

Session: Poster Session

Noelle Stratton, University of Toronto Scarborough, [email protected]
Nicholas Mandrak, Biological Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough, [email protected]
Nicole Klenk, University of Toronto Scarborough, [email protected]


The role of publics on aquatic invasive species (AIS) policy, including the implementation of early detection and rapid response (EDRR) is often overlooked and, when included, typically adheres to a knowledge deficit model. Essentially, a perceived ignorance of AIS is problematized as something to be overcome in order to successfully solve the AIS problem, and this perspective tends to permeate much of the discourse surrounding AIS management and stakeholder engagement. How do these different stakeholder groups perceive AIS, current management practices, and EDRR? Is this truly an issue of public ignorance, to be simply overcome by improved communication from scientific experts? Or, are risks understood and experienced differently between stakeholder groups, presenting potential barriers to communication and engagement? My research will involve online surveys and in-person interviews of stakeholder groups including scientists, decision makers, and publics operating at the boundaries where science, policy, and publics meet to determine their perceptions of AIS risks.