08b. - Restoration of Native Fishes

Date: Wednesday, Jun 20, 2018
Time: 8:40 AM - 3:40 PM
Location: SY110

Chair(s): Dimitry Gorsky, Timothy Johnson

Functional Assessment of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands: Insights from Fish Diversity
Sara Diller, US Geological Survey; Afton Welninski, USGS; Jean Adams, US Geological Survey; Jeffrey Schaeffer, USGS Great Lakes Science Center

Tracking American Eel Movements in the Bay of Quinte and the St. Lawrence River
Alastair Mathers, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry; Dimitry Gorsky, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Population status of Lake Sturgeon in eastern Lake Erie
Jonah Withers, US Fish and Wildlife Service; Lori Davis; Nicholas Markley, US Fish and Wildlife Service; Rachel Neuenhoff, US Fish and Wildlife Service; Michael Clancy, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; Donald Einhouse, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation; John Sweka, US Fish and Wildlife Service

Examining the interactive effects of climate change and invasive species on a native fish
Meagan Kindree, University of Toronto Scarborough; Nicholas Mandrak, Biological Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough

Gap Analysis as a Planning Tool to Restore Stream Diversity
Jeffrey Schaeffer, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Josh Miller, U.S. Geological Survey - Great Lakes Science Center; James McKenna, Tunison Lab. of Aquatic Sciences, U.S. Geological Survey; Michael Slattery, USGS Tunison Laboratory of Aquatic Science; Cherie Blair

Impact of a large-scale translocation program as a way to increase American eel spawners production
David Stanley, Ontario Power Generation; Guy Verreault, Minist�re des For�ts, de la Faune et des Parcs

Evaluating Mate Preference in Adult Female Sea Lampreys
Courtney Higgins, University of Michigan-Flint; Michael Wagner, Michigan State University; Heather Dawson, University of Michigan-Flint

Using Management Strategy Evaluation to optimize a trapping strategy to control invasive sea lamprey
Heather Dawson, University of Michigan-Flint; Michael Jones, Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife, Michigan State University; Norine Dobiesz, Michigan State University, Quantitative Fisheries Center; Scott Miehls, USGS, Great Lakes Science Center; Nicholas Johnson, USGS, Great Lakes Sci Center

Slimy sculpin and round goby spatial overlap in the Great Lakes following round goby invasion
Shea Volkel, Michigan State University; Kelly Robinson, Michigan State University; David Bunnell, USGS Great Lakes Science Center; Darryl Hondorp, U.S. Geological Survey-Great Lakes Science Center; Brian Weidel, U.S. Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Center; Edward Roseman, USGS-Great Lakes Science Center; Stephen Riley, U.S. Geological Survey, Great Lakes Science Ctr.

The influence of winter severity on the coupling between Lake Erie walleye and their prey
Amara Huddleston, Ohio State University; Cassandra May, Bethel College; Joshua Stone, Aquatic Ecology Lab, The Ohio State University; Stuart Ludsin, The Ohio State University, Aquatic Ecology Laboratory; Elizabeth Marschall, Aquatic Ecology Lab., The Ohio State University; James Hood, Aquatic Ecology Lab, The Ohio State University