Water conservation and efficiency training and education under the Great Lakes Compact

Session: 24. - Managing Water Use in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin

Tim Bruno, Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, [email protected]


The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will be exploring opportunities during 2018 toward continuing an initiative that extends conservation and efficiency education and training to public water suppliers in PA’s Great Lakes Basin and surrounding area. These potential trainings will increase specific system-level understandings of water infrastructure management and help Pennsylvania meet its Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin water conservation and efficiency goals through reductions in leakage and increased efficiencies by public water suppliers.  Pennsylvania is also in the process of forming the Great Lakes Water Resources Regional Committee to guide the process of making Lake Erie Basin amendments to the Pennsylvania State Water Plan. The Committee will aid in the collection and dissemination of data, prioritization of resource availability and protection, and the formation of water use policies in the Basin.

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Great Lakes Compact