Distribution of Grain Size and Sediment Nutrients in Lake Michigan Surface Sediments

Session: Poster session

Elizabeth Hinchey Malloy, U.S. EPA GLNPO, [email protected]
Lyubov Burlakova, Great Lakes Center at SUNY Buffalo State , [email protected]
Susan Daniel, Buffalo State College, Great Lakes Center, [email protected]
Knut Mehler, Great Lakes Center at SUNY Buffalo State, [email protected]
Margaret Corcoran, CSRA, [email protected]
Solidea Maria Cri Bonina, Young Professional/ Scientist , [email protected]


Lakebed characteristics such as sediment grain size and sediment nutrients are important parameters that influence the distribution of benthic organisms. As part of the 2015 Cooperative Science and Monitoring Initiative survey of the Lake Michigan benthic community, ponars were collected from 127 offshore benthic stations for complimentary analysis of sediment characteristics. Maps of surface sediment grain size, sediment organic carbon, sediment total nitrogen and sediment total phosphorus will be presented and the role of sediment composition drivers in the distribution of Dreissena r. bugensis and infaunal benthic communities will be explored.

1. Keyword

2. Keyword
Lake Michigan

3. Keyword

4. Additional Keyword
grain size