Optimization of eDNA Early Monitoring Tool for Bigheaded Carp in the Upper Mississippi River

Session: Poster session

Erica Mize, US Fish and Wildlife Service, [email protected]
Christopher Merkes, USGS, [email protected]
Richard Erickson, USGS, [email protected]
Nick Berndt, USFWS, [email protected]
Katherine Bockrath, USFWS, [email protected]
Jeena Credico, USFWS, [email protected]
Nikolas Grueneis, USFWS, [email protected]
Jenna Merry, USFWS, [email protected]
Kyle Mosel, USFWS, [email protected]
Maren Tuttle-Lau, USFWS, [email protected]
Kyle Von Ruden, USFWS, [email protected]
Zebadiah Woiak, USFWS, [email protected]
Jon Amberg, USGS, [email protected]
Sam Finney, USFWS, [email protected]
Emy Monroe, Midwest Fisheries Center, USFWS, [email protected]


Natural resource managers conduct landscape-level monitoring using environmental DNA (eDNA)-based sampling approaches. Analyzing eDNA-based sampling data requires addressing three probabilities: the probability of occurrence of eDNA at a site, the probability of occurrence of eDNA within a sample, and the probability of molecular detection. Occurrence (or synonymous occupancy) models allow the estimation of these probabilities. We developed a three-level occurrence model to examine the occupancy of Bighead and Silver Carps in the Upper Mississippi River. We collected water samples from 3 habitat types in pools 17 & 18 of the Upper Mississippi to validate and inform our model. Samples were analyzed for eDNA.  Our objectives were to: 1. Better inform when, where, and what sample size is adequate to effectively use eDNA as a bigheaded carp monitoring tool in the Upper Mississippi River, 2. Determine the detection probability of eDNA in the study area, and 3. Determine the optimal spatial sampling pattern and design for eDNA as a monitoring tool. Our findings illustrate the importance of considering study design and sample sizes when planning eDNA-based research, monitoring, and management decisions.

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