Laguna Bacalar Coliform Count

Session: Poster session

Leah Stromberg, UWM-freshwater science/ Alverno College, [email protected]
Leah Holloway, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences, [email protected]
Haley Lucas, School of Freshwater Science, [email protected]
Kaleena Jones, School of Freshwater Science / Alverno College, [email protected]
Christopher Suchocki, University of Wisconsin, [email protected]
Ruth Fenelon, University of Milwaukee Wisconsin , [email protected]


Laguna Bacalar is an approximately 42km lake located in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico. In November 2015, a pollution alert was issued because of illegal dumping and poor wastewater treatment. When waters are polluted by possible fecal contamination, coliform testing is done as an indicator for the presence of other pathogenic bacteria, such as E. coli. Historically, there has been no regular Coliform testing for Laguna Bacalar; however, the UW-Milwaukee Fresh Water Science group have been testing for the Coliform over the last three years and are now coordinating with a local school and environmental group, Agua Clara, for more regular testing. Twenty-three locations were tested along the length of Laguna Bacalar, including at different depths of the Cenote Bruja. Over half the samples taken exceeded the accepted water quality standard, most were located near the shoreline. Higher counts of Coliform have a more significant possibility of containing pathogenic bacteria, which could lead to water-borne illnesses.