An Account of GAFNET Activities in Ghana and Future Partnerships and Collaborations with ACARE

Session: 27. - Emerging Partnerships, Research, and Capacity in the African Great Lakes

Isaac Nyameke, Ghana Aquaculture and Fish Network, [email protected]


Ghana Aquaculture and Fish Network (GAFNET) is a registered NGO based in Accra, Ghana. GAFNET focuses on sustainable aquaculture production with an emphasis on protection and conservation of freshwater bodies in Ghana. GAFNET’s objectives include comprehensive aquaculture training and good practices which include promoting sales and marketability of aquaculture fish; credit and literacy programs; and other activities that promote aquaculture and its benefits. GAFNET’s approaches are similar to those of the African Center for Aquatic Research and Education (ACARE), including harnessing partnerships, harmonizing consistent approaches and policies to enhance research and policies for freshwater resources, and forming strong partnerships and collaborative processes. GAFNET and its partners had placed students from U.S. and European universities for internship programs in Ghana; GAFNET has committed to building capacity of its staff through international trainings in the Netherlands, Ghana and Japan. GAFNET do this by supporting and assisting staff to get funding for PhD and MS through partners in Japan and funding from USAID. In this talk, similarities of GAFNET’s partnerships and collaborations with those of ACARE are discussed and the prospects of future collaborations to include freshwater bodies outside of the African Great Lakes.

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partnerships and collaborations

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Capacity building