The Search for Novel Halogenated Contaminants in the Great Lakes Trout

Session: Poster session

Sadjad Fakouri Baygi, Clarkson University, [email protected]
Sujan Fernando, Clarkson University, [email protected]
Bernard Crimmins, Clarkson University, [email protected]
Thomas Holsen, Dept. Civil & Environ. Eng., Clarkson University, [email protected]
Philip Hopke, Clarkson University, [email protected]


Halogenated chemicals are typically the great concern for Great Lakes region as they tend to exhibit persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic properties.  Legacy halogenated contaminants have been monitored by the US EPA Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program (GLFMSP) for decades, but the impact extent of the halogenated chemical burden remains unclear.  In an attempt to characterize the total burden of volatile/semivolatile halogenated chemicals impacting the Great Lakes, top predator fish (trout) were analyzed using a state-of-the-art Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatographic (APGC) system coupled to a quadrupole time-of-flight (QToF) high-resolution mass spectrometer.  Sample cleanup was minimized and data was acquired in full scan mode to allow for a comprehensive analysis.  The resulting highly complex data files were screened for halogenated features using a MATLAB based algorithm.  Halogenated features are isolated using a combination of isotopic profile and accurate mass measurements.  On average, approximately 2000 halogenated features were detected in fish collected from each Great Lake for sampling years 2005, 2006, 2015 and 2016. The majority of compounds detected are not on the current monitoring program target list. The profiles and levels of the novel chemicals detected were compared between sites years (2005/2006 vs. 2015/2016) to determine their spatiotemporal impact.

1. Keyword
environmental contaminants

2. Keyword

3. Keyword
mass spectrometry

4. Additional Keyword
Automated Screening

5. Additional Keyword
Atmospheric Pressure Gas Chromatography (APGC)

6. Additional Keyword
Isotopic Profile Deconvoluted Chromatogram (IPDC) algorithm