Point source-specific design and performance of biopolymer-based phosphate filtration systems.

Session: 39. - Managing Agriculture Water and Nutrients - Science Solutions for Tomorrows BMPs

Bulent Mutus, University of Windsor, [email protected]
David Ure, University of Windsor, [email protected]
Angela Awada, University of Windsor, [email protected]


Iron ion (Fe 3+) complexes of the biopolymer chitosan and derivatized sawdust can efficiently bind inorganic phosphate1 (Pi).  Here we will present biopolymer-based phosphate filtration systems that were designed to suit the phosphate point sources: a drainage canal (DC) surrounding vegetable farms; manure treatment ponds (MTP); and a manure-contaminated drainage ditch (MCDD).  The DC filtration system had a red sand primary filter and iron-chitosan secondary filter. The sand filtration reduced Pi levels in canal water ranging from 1,200-1,600 µg/L to 400-600 µg/L.  The iron-chitosan further lowered the Pi levels to 20-200 µg/L range.

The MTP-water was treated by a large filter bed containing red sand and its outflow further treated with a iron-chitosan filter.  The red sand out flows contained Pi in the 10-30 mg/L range. Chitosan filtration lowered these levels >10 fold to 0.1-5mg/L range.

The MCDD water was treated lateral filtration system, with a limestone sand pre-filter, followed by either an iron chitosan or a derivatized sawdust secondary filter. 

1also termed soluble phosphate and orthophosphate

1. Keyword

2. Keyword
water quality

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4. Additional Keyword
biopolymer phosphate filtration matrices