Physical Hydrology of Laguna Bacalar, Mexico

Session: Poster session

Ruth Fenelon, University of Milwaukee Wisconsin , [email protected]


Laguna Bacalar is a lake in Quintana Roo, Mexico. This lake is the second largest lake in Mexico. Over the past decade there has been a growth in tourism in Bacalar which is adding stress to the lake’s ecosystem. To better understand these stresses, the physical hydrology of the lake must be understood. To fully understand the water budget of Laguna Bacalar water samples were collected and analyzed for tracers to use as indicators of the source of water input. Beryllium-7 was analyzed to determine net rain water flux and a tracer unique to groundwater was used to determine net groundwater flux in the lake. Stream gauging was conducted to determine net surface water flux to the lake.

1. Keyword
hydrologic budget

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