Development of a Cloud-Based Great Lakes Research Inventory Portal

Session: 23. - The IJC's Science Advisory Board Review of Current Priorities and Projects

Mark Burrows, International Joint Commission, [email protected]


For more than 40 years, the IJC has charged its advisory boards with collecting information about research conducted in the Great Lakes Basin. This began with Research Advisory Board’s printed 1975 Directory of Great Lakes Research Activities, compiled by mailing surveys to researchers, and has evolved into a voluntary interactive, searchable, web database ( The current setup of the database allows the user to browse the inventory by project, agency or researcher.  In recent years, the IJC Science Advisory Board’s Research Coordination Committee has provided resources to take a fresh look at the task. To develop a next generation Great Lakes research inventory portal that takes advantage of the remarkable improvements in online network technology seen in recent years. Goals include enhancing the capture of information, improving collaboration and providing a tool for assessing the state of Great Lakes research, allocation of funding, and research needs.  Progress towards development of an improved tool to achieve these goals will be presented.

1. Keyword
data acquisition

2. Keyword
data storage and retrieval

3. Keyword
decision making

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