Adapting Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority’s actions to an emerging climate

Session: 56. - Science for a Healthy Lake Simcoe

Melanie Bennet, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, [email protected]
Barbara Pinto, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, [email protected]
Bill Thompson, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, [email protected]


The impacts of climate change are already becoming evident in Lake Simcoe (Ontario), including a reduction in the winter ice-over period, an increase to the period of stratification, as well as changes in stream flow and flood frequency in its tributaries.  Fortunately, much work has been done to monitor and gain understanding of the health of the Lake and its watershed, ranging from long-term environmental monitoring, to detailed research, and modelling studies. Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority staff are leveraging this work, as well as down-scaled climate projections, to refine our understanding of the further potential impacts of climate change on biodiversity, water quality, and water quantity in the Lake Simcoe watershed.  This information is being translated into clear recommendations for action for LSRCA and its partners.  Recommendations range across the full spectrum of traditional management activities, including land securement, forestry, stewardship, stormwater management, and land use planning.

1. Keyword
climate change

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