Ranking Habitat Restoration Actions in Areas of Concern using an Ecological Decision Matrix

Session: 34. - Aquatic Habitat Evaluation and Assessment

Susan Doka, GLLFAS, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, [email protected]
Jacqueline Dosen, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, [email protected]
Jesse Gardner Costa, Fisheries & Oceans Canada, [email protected]
Claire Sanders, [email protected]
Jason Barnucz, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, [email protected]
Richard Drouin, MNR, [email protected]
Sandra Kok, Environment and Climate Change Canada , [email protected]


Restoration and creation of habitat are key actions to improving impaired fish habitat in Areas of Concern (AOC).  Projects need to be evaluated in a quantitative manner to prioritize and invest restoration dollars.  The Habitat subgroup of the Canadian Detroit River Remedial Action Plan (RAP) created a Decision Matrix (DM) for ranking proposed projects using existing data and modelled output.  The DM compiles ecological criteria to combine factors and their relative significance to determine the most desirable restoration project.  The DM’s focus was to select shallow coastal areas that focus on lost shoreline and included habitat variables relevant to various life-stages of fish.  The information collected will be mapped to provide easy visual tools for managers.  The DM was used to evaluate potential sites suggested by the RAP and identified 2 final priority sites:  Peche Island and the southern tip of Fighting Island.  The RAP is moving forward with restoration designs for these sites, accompanied with pre- and post-monitoring of restoration actions to their effectiveness.  The DM is a useful tool that can be applied to any AOC to identify new sites, actions, and best practices to better utilize effort and money in a landscape scale. 

1. Keyword

2. Keyword
decision making

3. Keyword
Detroit River