Strengthening Capacity in Research and Training through Transboundary Partnership and Collaboration

Session: 27. - Emerging Partnerships, Research, and Capacity in the African Great Lakes

Kevin Obiero, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research institute, [email protected]
Theodore Lawrence, African Center for Aquatic Research and Education, [email protected]
Jessica Ives, University of Windsor, [email protected]
Achieng' Otieno, University of Eldoret, [email protected]
Natasha Gownaris, University of Washington, [email protected]
James Njiru, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, [email protected]


The African Great Lakes and their basins are among the most critical economic growth zones in Africa, rich in ecosystems services and development opportunities that support livelihoods of millions of people. With rapid economic development—population growth, urban and industrial growth, hydropower generation, and oil and gas exploration,—pressures on the lake basins are growing to unprecedented levels. These drivers of change have already contributed to stark hydrological changes, thus new forms of cooperation and cross-country collaboration are needed to mitigate negative impacts. However, lack of well trained and experienced human resource capacity, and poorly coordinated research, still places a major constraint on sustainable management of the region’s ecosystems and biodiversity. In this paper, we present challenges of and opportunities for strengthening research and training capacity and collaborations to ensure that future generations of scientists, managers, academicians, policymakers, and stakeholders have the capacity, knowledge and ability to address current and future issues in the region. These new initiatives include: (1) creating a network of lake-wide committees to harmonize and prioritize research (2) creating an online and field-based full-semester educational program; and (3) Developing multi-year research projects for students and researchers that take advantage of the existing research equipment and facilities.

1. Keyword

2. Keyword

3. Keyword

4. Additional Keyword
African Great Lakes

5. Additional Keyword
Research and Training