Listening in on Lake Sturgeon in eastern Lake Erie

Session: 11. - Acoustic Telemetry Applications in the Great Lakes

Jonah Withers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, [email protected]
Lori Davis, [email protected]
Nicholas Markley, US Fish and Wildlife Service, [email protected]
Rachel Neuenhoff, US Fish and Wildlife Service, [email protected]
John Sweka, US Fish and Wildlife Service, [email protected]


Once abundant, lake sturgeon, Acipencer fulvescens, populations experienced massive declines throughout the Great Lakes in the 19th and early 20th century. Though regulations have been enacted to further conservation of this species, knowledge gaps needed for assessment and informed management of lake sturgeon in eastern Lake Erie persist. Passive acoustic telemetry has helped researchers answer critical questions pertaining to aquatic animals’ behavior, movement, migrations, and habitat associations. We deployed an array of receivers at the headwaters of the Niagara River where sexual mature lake sturgeon were known to congregate and implanted sturgeon with acoustic transmitters to elucidate range and life history aspects of this ancient, keystone species.

1. Keyword

2. Keyword
Lake Erie

3. Keyword
Niagara River

4. Additional Keyword
Lake Sturgeon