Floristic Quality Assessment for natural areas monitoring in Lake Simcoe watershed

Session: 56. - Science for a Healthy Lake Simcoe

Katherine Baird, Faculty of Forestry, University of Toronto, [email protected]
Danijela Puric-Mladenovic, OMNRF, Science and Research Branch, Natural Heritage Information Centre, [email protected]


Terrestrial monitoring in the Lake Simcoe watershed is based on several individual and independent quality indicators derived from site level monitoring data (Vegetation Sampling Protocol plots). Components of Floristic Quality Assessment (FQA), the Coefficient of Conservatism and Floristic Quality Index, are indicators used to monitor vegetation composition and quality. Using plant species composition data, FQA describes the quality of natural cover based on species fidelity towards natural habitats and susceptibility to disturbance. Despite widespread application of FQA for monitoring in the USA, much less research exists in Ontario. As a result, there is a need to understand these indicators better, including their ecological, reporting and management relevance. Our research specifically investigates: (1) performance of FQA metrics against disturbance gradients; (2) differences in FQA among different vegetation communities and forest successional stages; and (3) sensitivity of FQA metrics to variation in levels of species detection.

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Lake Simcoe

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